Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas party

After sitting about the house for entirely too long, Ms Ella came to the library's Christmas party with me.

She checked out the tree and the presents that were bought for a local family by library staff:

I wonder whose present this is?

While waiting for the party to start, she settled into the recliner to sit and admire the tree:

Enjoying the tree

The party soon started and everyone got some food:

Ready to dig in

Lots of savory goodies

Once the yummy savories were done, it was time for dessert (LOTS of chocolate!):

Mmmmm, dessert

YUM!!!!!!!!! All done:

All done

Ms Ella had a nice time and made lots of people smile and amazed a couple kids when they noticed an elephant dressed as a reindeer sitting at the table.


icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said...

bah ha ha ha ha...

This blog is awesome!!!!!!

JeanC said...

Thanks you :) With luck Ms Ella will be out and about playing in the snow soon.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....